Medicaid Council voices concerns about new SIM proposal

In a special meeting yesterday, the majority of Medicaid Council members voiced concerns about the rushed, new SIM proposal for Medicaid. Legislators compared the new proposal to the failed HUSKY HMO proposal 20 years ago and made it clear that they are concerned about “going back down that road”. Concerns included the application’s aggressive pace of…

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Questions for SIM about radical new Medicaid proposal

Questions sent yesterday for today’s meeting about SIM’s risky, new Medicaid proposal have been posted. One asks why a dangerous 1115 waiver is necessary? Did SIM planners explore other, less dangerous options? 1115 waivers necessarily include a cap on federal reimbursement (to meet the federal budget neutrality requirement) endangering the state budget and potential future…

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Special Medicaid Council meeting on new SIM Medicaid plan

The very new SIM plan for Medicaid will be the subject of a special MAPOC meeting tomorrow July 8th at 9:30 in Room 2C of the LOB. Concerns have been raised about both the content and the process for this radical departure from the original SIM plan for CT’s largest health plan. We expect more…

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CT Health reform dashboard down – change in SIM/Medicaid plan largely responsible

CT’s Health Reform Progress Meter is down this month to 28.5%, mainly because of a new, rushed reversal on the original SIM plan to put Medicaid members’ care under financial risk, pursue a waiver that caps federal reimbursements putting the state budget and benefits in the state’s largest health plan at substantial risk, and a…

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CT News Junkie Op-Ed: SIM shouldn’t just chase a federal grant

A new Op-Ed in CT News Junkie outlines consumer advocate concerns that SIM planners are putting their pursuit of a federal grant ahead of what’s best for CT. Contrary to the original plan, SIM leaders are now planning to move Medicaid back to an incentive scheme similar to the failed HUSKY HMOs. Since we moved…

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SIM update: PCMH standards affirmed but rushing into a radical Medicaid payment change

The good news: At yesterday’s meeting the SIM steering committee voted to accept their workgroup’s recommendation to use NCQA national standards, with some CT-specific additions, as the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) standard for the SIM glide path program. SIM will work with NCQA to develop the additional standards, possibly to include oral and behavioral health…

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Good news on SIM and PCMH national standards

The new SIM Practice Transformation Workgroup met last night for the first time and support for patient-centered medical home national standards was strong. Advocates have been strong supporters of national standards for PCMHs over a CT-specific program. There is growing evidence that PCMHs that meet national standards perform better on quality, enhance access to care…

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SIM committee to discuss PCMH national home standards

The first meeting of the SIM Practice Management Taskforce will re-visit SIM’s earlier decision to reject national standards for patient-centered medical homes. National standards, such as NCQA, have been very successful nationally and in CT in improving health outcomes while controlling costs. Advocates have serious concerns about eroding standards that promote quality care and ensure…

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SIM update – good news but new concerns

Last week’s SIM steering committee included some good news but new concerns. Based on public comment from independent advocatessupporting national standards for patient-centered medical homes and urging SIM to reconsider their decision to create a CT-specific standard, wasting time and resources to fix something that is not broken and working well. In response, the committee…

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Cabinet update – DSS/exchange IT and SIM updates

The SIM update included a description of the recent funding application release. All drafts for the grant will only go through the Steering Committee. It was clarified that the “owners” of the SIM process are the related state agencies. SIM intends to “align” CT’s health priorities with the federal grant. Concerns were raised that the…

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