SIM update

Across various meetings this month we’ve received a few updates on CT’s SIM planning. CT is competing with 17 other states for 12 test grants. SIM staff has acknowledged receipt of the independent advocates’ letter to CMMI and an FOI regarding Consumer Advisory Board voting and SIM budget development, but we’ve had no response to…

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Independent advocates raise SIM concerns with CMMI

Twenty-two independent consumer advocates signed a letter sent Friday to CMMI voicing concerns about CT’s SIM application. While advocates have many concerns, the letter focuses on the sudden planned shift to shared savings payments in Medicaid. Concerns include the prospect that shared savings incentives could drive inappropriate underservice and that state’s quality and financial monitoring resources…

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Medicaid, SIM committee update – PCMH success continues, SIM making important Medicaid decisions

The Care Coordination committee of MAPOC has been given responsibility for oversight and advice on SIM’s controversial new plans for Medicaid, especially the shared savings payment model. The committee’s original mission remains as well – to track Medicaid’s successful patient-centered medical home program. In yesterday’s meeting we heard more about continuing PCMH success. The number…

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New SIM summary online – consumer concerns remain

The administration’s federal SIM application for $64 million is finished. As the plan and application developed, consumer advocates sent five letters signed by dozens of independent advocates voicing concerns including weak consumer protections, incentives to deny necessary appropriate care, the need for nationally recognized standards, and the lack of independent voices in the process. Some…

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Join a tweet chat on CT’s SIM plan Wednesday

A community of CT social media health advocates hold regular tweetchats with the hashtag #hcsmct. A tweetchat is a public Twitter conversation, generally with a regular schedule, connecting people with common interests. Including the hashtag #hcsmct in tweets during the chat allows visitors to follow and participate in the discussion. Join us this Wednesday, Aug.…

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SIM administrators seeking planning consultants should avoid prior mistakes

State SIM administrators are soliciting bids for a new set of consultants to guide the implementation process. Given the problems with the SIM final plan development process, advocates offer these recommendations. This time: ·      Use an transparent, objective process that is open to all qualified applicants ·      Avoid any perceptions of political and other conflicts…

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New SIM under service survey — please help protect consumers

The SIM Equity and Access Committee is working to develop a monitoring system for inappropriate underservice as CT’s health system moves toward shared savings payment models. Underservice can be denial of appropriate care, limiting expensive treatment options, limiting access to certain providers, avoidance of consumers that may not generate savings, or cost shifting to consumers.…

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CMS announces new assistance for states to improve health system, many SIM alternatives

Today CMS unveiled the Innovation Accelerator Program providing states with over 50 tools, programs and technical assistance to improve Medicaid programs – both delivery and payment reforms. SIM is only one of the dozens of tools listed. The tools include numerous alternatives to CT’s risky SIM proposal to achieve every one of the goals outlined…

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SIM moving ahead with risky Medicaid plan despite 25 advocates’ objections

At yesterday’s meeting, the SIM steering committee chose to move ahead with plans to radically change the Medicaid program – to include shared savings and an 1115 waiver. The new plan, rushed out in only a few weeks, reverses earlier assurances to advocates that the state would go slowly into shared savings payment incentives, recognizing…

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