Advocates propose policy paper topics for SIM

In response to an offer from SIM staff, independent consumer advocates have proposed six topics for SIM policy papers. Topics that need detail and public discussion include protecting consumer choice, competition, and the safety net against contrary financial incentives, ensuring patient-centered care, integration with public health, behavioral health and oral health, conflicts of interest, and…

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SIM FAQs updated

We’ve updated the Frequently Asked Questions about CT’s SIM plan. SIM is the state’s newest plan to radically reform health care delivery and payment across the entire state. Advocates have raised concerns that the plan doesn’t do enough to protect consumers from stinting on care resulting from payment reform, could reverse recent progress in CT’s…

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Cabinet meeting – exchange and SIM updates

Most of today’s Cabinet meeting was spent on SIM’s decision to create a CT-specific medical home standard rather than using well-vetted, evidence based national standards. (May 29th we are hosting a webinar with NCQA to learn more about the NCQA system that has certified 1,009 PCMH providers in CT already. Register here.) Questions were raised…

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Legislative update: SIM funding may draw lawsuit, nursing home profit sunlight bill passes House

The proposed state budget includes $3.5 million in funds for the new SIM state agency. CT Mirror reports that the funding is planned to come from a tax on insurers. The inclusion of self-insured plans in the new tax may draw a federal lawsuit. The state hopes it won’t and points to a vaccine program…

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Independent advocates publish comments on first 4 SIM position papers

CT independent consumer advocates have published comments on SIM’s first 4 policy papers.   Regarding Issue Brief #1 (provider surveys), advocates urge that the results of consumer experience of care surveys should be made public to use as tools for choosing care and as a lever to improve care quality, SIM must ensure that results…

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Health Care Cabinet meeting — SIM, exchange updates

Yesterday’s Cabinet meeting was lively — not sure it was productive. The insurance exchange reported on a flurry of last minute activity that significantly boosted enrollment. Final numbers will be available in a few weeks when it becomes clear how many people follow through and pay premiums, and the backlog of people in the queue…

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SIM comments on financial incentives, consumer surveys

SIM has started floating their proposals to implement health care reform in CT and #2in particular is troubling for consumers. One proposal offered as a financing option by SIM staff would replace advanced payments for new, effective services such as care coordination and medication management with shared savings payments. This could create unfortunate incentives to…

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SIM update

Not much happened at Monday’s SIM steering committee meeting. The lists of recommended workgroup members from both the SIM personnel committee and the Consumer Advisory Board were distributed but not voted on. There was dispute over the number of physicians on workgroups centered on a recommendation from physician groups to add significantly to their numbers.…

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Disappointing SIM update

Monday a group of 16 independent consumer advocates delivered a letter to the SIM steering committee voicing deep concerns about the implementation development process. Advocates have voiced concerns about the SIM process from the beginning, offering constructive options that support the goals of improving quality and access to care while controlling costs. Concerns voiced in…

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Help Wanted: SIM soliciting consumers, advocates and providers for next round of workgroups

SIM is recruiting consumers, advocates and providers for workgroups to implement the administration’s health reform plan. SIM has been criticized for excluding critical stakeholders, especially consumers and advocates, in developing the original reform plan that is to cover at least 80% of all state residents in five years with a controversial payment model.  Advocates are…

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