Archive for February 2018
Committee develops care plan best practices recommendations for Medicaid
The Complex Care Committee of CT’s Medicaid Council has made recommendations to DSS for careplans in the Medicaid program. The importance of effective care plans has arisen often throughout the committee’s work diving deep into barriers to care for Medicaid members with complex health needs. Effective care plans ensure that people are driving decisions about…
Read MoreCTNJ: Advocates must inform consumers of risks when the state won’t
This week, independent advocates launched, a campaign to give HUSKY members balanced information about an experimental, new payment model expanding across the program. PCMH Plus has risks for consumers along with possible benefits, but HUSKY members aren’t aware of them or that they have the right to opt-out of the new payment model. Read more
Read MoreAdvocates launch, giving HUSKY members balanced information on the controversial new program
Today, independent consumer advocates launched a website,, to explain the facts about HUSKY’s experimental, new payment plan to run the program. The site was developed in response to the state’s erosion of federally required notices to consumers about their right to opt-out of the program. The state changed the notices at the last minute…
Read MoreCorrected: Opt-ing out of PCMH+ isn’t easy, and that’s not evidence that PCMH+ works
Correction – The notice sent to PCMH Plus consumers in December 2016 included the accurate phone number to call to opt-out of the program.
Read MoreHealthcare Cabinet finalizes recommendations to control drug costs
At yesterday’s meeting, the state Healthcare Cabinet tweaked and finalized eight policy recommendations to lower prescription drug costs in Connecticut. Drugs are the largest driver of skyrocketing health costs. However, the Council acknowledged that, even if these recommendations are all adopted and implemented, a lot of work remains. The recommendations came from months of research…
Read MoreWebinar on new HIE for Connecticut
For years, Connecticut providers and payers have been begging for a functional Health Information Exchange (HIE). An HIE allows providers delivering care to each patient to share information, notes, careplans and lab results. A functional HIE should help coordinate care, lower costs, avoid duplication and overtreatment, and make everyone’s lives easier. Despite numerous attempts, many…
Read MoreGood news on Medicaid costs, but big problems with transportation
At Friday’s Medicaid Council meeting, DSS reported that per person costs in CT’s Medicaid program continue to provide relief to the state’s budget, dropping 1.6% from FY 2016 to 2017. Over the last five years, per person costs in the program are down 3.4%. In FY 2016 Medicaid consumed 22.7% of our state budget, compared…
Read MoreCTNJ: Poll says Healthcare, Insurance Costs Threaten Connecticut’s Standard of Living
Connecticut voters are worried about healthcare costs and don’t believe state government is doing enough, according to a new poll. Almost half of Connecticut voters named healthcare and insurance costs as a major problem in maintaining their current standard of living. Half of Connecticut voters also think the state doesn’t spend enough on Medicaid Read…
Read MorePoor choice of monitor in YNHH-L+M deal undermines accountability
Yale-New Haven Health has chosen Deloitte & Touche to monitor compliance with conditions of their acquisition of Lawrence + Memorial Healthcare. The conditions on the unusual acquisition were set in place by the state to protect prices in the new monopoly market, protect health services for southeastern CT, oversee promised investments in the region, and…
Read MoreCT remains costly for Long Term Services and Supports while demand grows
A new survey by Genworth Financial finds that costs for Long Term Services and Support in Connecticut are among the highest in the nation, and rising. At $146,000 for a semi-private room and $158,775 for a private room, median annual costs of nursing home care were more expensive in Connecticut last year than any other…
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