CT exchange premiums still fourth highest in US, negotiating premiums could help

 A new analysis by the Urban Institute comparing health insurance exchange premiums across the US finds that CT’s 2015 premiums are the fourth highest in the US, as they were last year. The study compares average monthly premiums for 40-year old, non-smoking state residents — $348 in CT. Like last year, our premiums are higher…

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CT 2015 insurance exchange enrollment – the numbers are in

Two thirds of CT residents who secured coverage through AccessHealthCT’s portal this year were eligible for Medicaid, according to the latest federal enrollment report. Another 29% were eligible for financial assistance to buy coverage from a private insurer, and just under 6% bought coverage without subsidies. Of the 109,839 people who selected health plans on…

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Fascinating HBJ article on role, challenges for brokers in AccessHealthCT

The Hartford Business Journal reports on the experiences of CT’s insurance brokers in  the success of AccessHealthCT. Brokers have assisted about 35% of the 90,000 current members enroll in coverage, but they are not universally supportive of the exchange. Challenges include technology problems and system failures, no reimbursement for helping people eligible for Medicaid, and…

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CT employer coverage eroded over last decade, well before ACA implementation

A new report by SHADAC finds that 11.3% fewer CT firms offered health benefits to workers in 2012/2013 than eight years before, following national trends. Most of that loss happened in the last four years (8.8%) following the economic downturn, but well before implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Eligibility for coverage (among employers who…

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New comparison finds 2014 CT insurance premiums are higher than most states

A study by Health Pocket averaging unsubsidized insurance premiums both on and off the exchange found that for 23 year olds, CT’s average premiums this year were the 11th highest among states, 12% higher than the US average. For 30 year olds, CT also ranks 11th highest with premiums 13% higher than the US average,…

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CID 2014 managed care report card online

The CT Insurance Dept. has released their annual consumer report card on health insurers.  In its 9th year, the report card compares managed care plans offered in CT across 15 categories of performance including number of providers by county, controlling high blood pressure, cancer screening rates, prenatal care, and drug spending. An incredible resource, the…

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CT Mirror calculator figures insurance costs for 2015

A cool new calculator from CT Mirror allows visitors to compute coverage costs across health plans with just a few clicks. It is way too much fun to play with. The tool is part of the Mirror’s new Health Care Users Guide. Highly recommended.

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CT state employee plan premiums 25% more than US average

According to a new report, CT state employee plan premiums averaged $1,199 per employee last year, the 9th highest rate among states. State employees with single coverage paid 11% of premium on average, compared to 25% of all CT employee plans. Families averaged 15% of premiums for state employees compared to 32.7% for all CT…

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