Analysis: The uninsured are still with us

September used to be a key month for policy wonks. We all eagerly awaited new Census numbers of the uninsured. But since passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there is less attention to the uninsured. There is a sense that we are past the problem of people without coverage. But the latest Census numbers…

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How CT can support the professionals who support patients

How CT can support the professionals who support patients A new brief by the CT Health Foundation highlights the value of trained health support professions and recommendations for sustainable funding. The brief outlines evidence that including support professionals in care teams improve health outcomes and patient experience of care, especially for underserved populations. Engaging them…

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CT ranks best in the nation for the lowest prevalence of mental illness, but worse in access to care

Overall, Connecticut ranks second in the nation in mental health wellbeing, behind only Massachusetts, according to Mental Health America’s 2024 rankings. We benefit from having the lowest prevalence of mental illness in the nation. But still one in nine (11%) Connecticut youth and 4% of adults have serious thoughts of suicide. Connecticut has lots of…

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CT Mirror Opinion: Keep MCOs out of HUSKY health care

“In the past, managed care organizations were a disaster for Connecticut’s Medicaid program“ Former legislator, Medicaid provider, member of Medicaid’s state oversight council, and champion for member access to care who lived through the MCO years, Vickie Nardello says, “ I strongly disagree with Gov. Ned Lamont’s plan to bring managed care organizations (MCOs) back…

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HUSKY evaluation call is broad; Includes MCOs but is not biased

Updated August 15, 2024 with Questions and Answers to DSS Last month, DSS released their promised request for quotes (RFQ) from current contractors to evaluate Connecticut’s Medicaid program. (Questions from potential RFQ applicants and DSS’s answers are here.) The RFQ includes important broad priorities that are shared by advocates and other stakeholders, including an evidence basis…

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HUSKY parents’ cut expected to impact 15,300 starting in October

In this year’s budget, Connecticut policymakers cut Medicaid/HUSKY coverage for 15,300 low-income parents and caretakers of children. The timing of the cuts and options for other state coverage vary depending on each families’ circumstances. It’s all very confusing, both for HUSKY members and the rest of us. Thankfully, the CT Health Foundation has a new…

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Book Club: Random Acts of Medicine

Deliberately randomized experiments in medicine and health policy are usually not possible, or even moral. But with increasingly available data and random changes in circumstances, natural experiments can teach us a great deal about what works and what doesn’t. Random events have a huge impact on our health, more than we’d like to acknowledge. Random…

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CT Mirror: Lamont exploring Medicaid managed care, but many push back

Today, CT Mirror published an overview of the Governor’s project to review Connecticut Medicaid, looking for potential improvements to improve care and reduce costs. The piece also outlines the resistance from legislators, advocates, and other stakeholders to re-introducing MCOs into the program. Read more

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DSS gets input for Medicaid landscape survey

At last week’s MAPOC meeting, DSS announced they will be hiring a consultant to survey the Medicaid landscape assessing options for improvement, including MCOs. Advocates, legislators, and other stakeholders have publicly registered their opposition to returning the failed MCO model to our successful HUSKY program. At the meeting DSS requested input on the criteria consultants…

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CT Healthcare Explained is updating

We are taking on the massive project of updating CT Healthcare Explained. We just finished the Workforce chapter, including updated numbers and wages for the broad range of people who provide healthcare. We’ve included trends, shortages, disparities, and changes happening and recommendations for improvement. We updated Healthcare Costs last month. Hospitals are next. Connecticut’s healthcare…

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