State seeking public input on 2025 health improvement plan, they are really listening
After months of the Dept. of Public Health has finalized their draft plan to set goals and strategies to improve the health of all Connecticut residents by 2025.
The ambitious, detailed plan focuses on access to healthcare, economic stability, healthy food and housing, and community strength and resilience. Metrics include suicide rates, obesity, overdose deaths, ER visits, and sexual violence. It includes hundreds of specific strategies including telehealth, educational campaigns, screening for social determinants of health, and specifics to address insurance coverage affordability. It includes to-do lists for government, nonprofits and community groups, businesses/employers, hospitals, providers, insurers, schools, and individuals and families.
In one of the best examples of thoughtful, data-driven, inclusive policymaking, DPH sets these plans every five years. Everyone is invited – they and their consultants made it comfortable to participate, even if you have hard things to say.
Because of the pandemic, DPH and their consultants have adjusted their very open, very collaborative process for this report. While we couldn’t meet in person to develop the plan this year, in many ways the online process bypassed several barriers and allowed more voices to the table.
Check out the plan and give your thoughts. Put aside your mistrust, they really are listening.