Survey finds mental health needs among LGBTQ+ young people in Connecticut

One in four (26%) LGBTQ+ young people in Connecticut considered suicide in the last year and 6% attempted it, according to a survey from The Trevor Project. The organization is dedicated to ending suicide among LGBTQ+ young people. They surveyed LGBTQ+ young people in each state. One in seven LGBTQ+ young people in Connecticut report…

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DSS’s comprehensive HUSKY report finds a very strong program, with plans to improve

In response to 2023 legislation, on Tuesday DSS provided a 72-page comprehensive description and analysis of Connecticut’s Medicaid program to MAPOC, the program’s oversight council. The report also includes DSS’s strategy to improve the program and members’ health. The report finds that the program’s performance is very strong. “Overall, the Medicaid program achieves good quality…

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Analysis: Trump order jeopardizes cost effective, life-changing cure for sickle cell

We are lucky to live in a time when creative scientists are developing life-changing new cures for debilitating genetic diseases. These breakthrough treatments are as important as penicillin or insulin were in their time. Unfortunately, they are also very expensive. To help pay for them, federal Medicaid officials created an opportunity to help states afford…

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Join Medicaid EPSDT Grand Rounds

CT 359 will host a panel of experts and commentators on EPSDT:  Medicaid Federal Impacts, Developmental Screening, and Practice Insights on Tuesday, February 11th from 9:30 to 11am via Zoom. CT 359 is a coalition of twenty nonprofits, government agencies, and universities dedicated to ensuring that all children in Connecticut are thriving by ages three,…

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CT is the 6th most expensive state for smokers costing more than $5 million over a lifetime

Smoking is terrible for your health — tobacco kills 4,900 Connecticut residents each year. However, it’s also a very expensive bad habit. A new analysis by WalletHub estimates lifetime costs for Connecticut smokers at $5,035,722 or $104,911 annually. This is the sixth highest smoking burden among states. The researchers modeled the costs for a pack-a-day…

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Wandering around in OHS’s databases – lots to learn and a surprise

Our state Office of Health Strategy has several impressive portals and dashboards to explore their trove of data and other information. They include healthcare affordability, ED visits, quality ratings, facility plans, self-sufficiency tools, hospital finances, prescription drug costs, and Race, ethnicity and language data. Visitors can sort the data by service, payer, age, gender, and…

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ICER’s 4th annual report finds progress in fair access to prescription drugs

Over the last four years, barriers facing patients getting access to cost effective drugs in commercial plans and the Veteran’s Administration have gotten better, according to ICER’s fourth annual Barriers to Fair Access report. The authors compare plan policies, including cost sharing, clinical eligibility, step therapy and provider restrictions, to independent standards for fair access…

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Materials from webinar on improved HUSKY cancer survival in CT without MCOs

Yesterday, Dr. John Cramer described his study published earlier this year describing a significant increase in cancer survival and early detection in Connecticut’s Medicaid program when the Managed Care Organizations left in 2012. Click here for slides and here for a recording of the webinar. The study — Association of Medicaid Privatization With Patient Cancer…

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Analysis: DSS Study Suggests MCOs don’t Make Sense for HUSKY

Last Friday, the state released a consultants’ report exploring the Governor’s controversial plan to bring private insurers back to run Medicaid in Connecticut. The report’s authors agree with advocates that there is no evidence that MCOs control costs or improve quality or access to care. They also agree that HUSKY, our state Medicaid program, is…

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Webinar: Study finds improved early cancer diagnosis and survival after MCOs left HUSKY

Join Rep. Jillian Gilchrest and Sen. Saud Anwar, Co-Chairs of MAPOC, for a webinar December 10th at 2pm with Dr. John Cramer on his study published in JCO Oncology Practice in January. His study found that cancer early detection have increased 4% and survival rates have increased 8% since MCOs left Connecticut Medicaid. There was…

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