Care Management
DSS’s comprehensive HUSKY report finds a very strong program, with plans to improve
In response to 2023 legislation, on Tuesday DSS provided a 72-page comprehensive description and analysis of Connecticut’s Medicaid program to MAPOC, the program’s oversight council. The report also includes DSS’s strategy to improve the program and members’ health. The report finds that the program’s performance is very strong. “Overall, the Medicaid program achieves good quality…
Read MoreJoin Medicaid EPSDT Grand Rounds
CT 359 will host a panel of experts and commentators on EPSDT: Medicaid Federal Impacts, Developmental Screening, and Practice Insights on Tuesday, February 11th from 9:30 to 11am via Zoom. CT 359 is a coalition of twenty nonprofits, government agencies, and universities dedicated to ensuring that all children in Connecticut are thriving by ages three,…
Read MoreMore questions and answers on DSS’s plan for HUSKY maternity bundles
Read the new questions and answers DSS is planning to move Medicaid payments for maternity services from the current fee-for-service arrangement to a per-person bundled payment. They will also expand services to include doula and lactation supports. However, advocates have asked questions and raised concerns about unintended consequences when providers make more money by reducing…
Read MoreMaterials from webinar on improved HUSKY cancer survival in CT without MCOs
Yesterday, Dr. John Cramer described his study published earlier this year describing a significant increase in cancer survival and early detection in Connecticut’s Medicaid program when the Managed Care Organizations left in 2012. Click here for slides and here for a recording of the webinar. The study — Association of Medicaid Privatization With Patient Cancer…
Read MoreAnalysis: DSS Study Suggests MCOs don’t Make Sense for HUSKY
Last Friday, the state released a consultants’ report exploring the Governor’s controversial plan to bring private insurers back to run Medicaid in Connecticut. The report’s authors agree with advocates that there is no evidence that MCOs control costs or improve quality or access to care. They also agree that HUSKY, our state Medicaid program, is…
Read MoreSign on letter critical of biased consultants for HUSKY MCO study
On Friday, thirty-five organizations, advocates, and HUSKY members sent a letter to Governor Lamont raising concerns about the choice of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips as consultants to conduct the Medicaid survey and make recommendations. Concerns center on Manatt’s record of support for toward returning Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in Medicaid programs. That’s a record number…
Read MoreFormer Medicaid official offers options to improve the program and a warning
Recently retired from DSS, Steven Colangelo answered the state’s invitation for recommendations to improve HUSKY. He worked at DSS more than 31 years, 10 in Medicaid, focused on the quality of care. His tenure crossed numerous state administrations and seismic shifts in Medicaid policy at the federal level. Steven opposes current state plans to return…
Read MoreAdvocates’ comments to improve Medicaid
In response to DSS’s invitation for comments, last week four consumer advocate members of CT’s Medical Assistance Program Oversight Council (MAPOC) offered constructive recommendations to improve the program. The authors acknowledge the success of Connecticut’s Medicaid program as a national leader in cost control, access and quality of care. The authors strongly recommend against returning…
Read MoreHUSKY maternal health bundle questions 2.0
Based on DSS’s MAPOC presentation Friday on plans for maternity bundled payments, the CT Health Policy Project submitted some questions about the plan. The commendable goals of the plan are to improve health outcomes, equity, quality, and access to care while controlling costs through care management and greater efficiency. DSS plans to pay obstetrics practices…
Read MoreHow CT can support the professionals who support patients
How CT can support the professionals who support patients A new brief by the CT Health Foundation highlights the value of trained health support professions and recommendations for sustainable funding. The brief outlines evidence that including support professionals in care teams improve health outcomes and patient experience of care, especially for underserved populations. Engaging them…
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