Advocates offer help with payment reform study for CT

Among the many important provisions in SB-811, is Section 17 directing the state Health Care Cabinet to conduct a study of successful payment reform models from other states. The Cabinet is to report back to the General Assembly with recommendations for policy changes that will provide a framework to control health care costs, reward value-based care and improve health outcomes for Connecticut residents. No one is more committed to meaningful reforms than consumers and advocates. As the ultimate payers for all health care – through our premiums, out of pocket costs, lost wages and taxes – consumers take the full burden of inefficient spending.  As veterans of current and past reform attempts, in a sign on letter, nineteen independent consumer advocates have offered the Cabinet their full support and assistance in developing a feasible, effective plan to control health care costs and build value. Based on CT’s history with reform, the advocates urge the Cabinet to ensure transparency, robust public input, build on what is working in our state, recognize unique populations, and to adhere to ethical standards that guard integrity. The next meeting of the Health Care Cabinet is scheduled for September 8th.