OHCA hears more from community about harm from YNHH-L&M deal
Tuesday OHCA got another earful from community members, providers and experts as they continued the public hearing on Yale-New Haven’s application to acquire L&M hospital and medical group. Intervenors, including the CT Health Policy Project, continued our testimony about likely price increases and loss of services in the New London community if the deal is approved. Intervenors and OHCA asked again for price data from previous YNHH acquisitions as well as the ongoing Community Health Needs Assessment, required by the Affordable Care Act, and what identified needs the hospital has acted on. Intervenors also told powerful stories of lost services in Windham when Hartford Hospital bought their community hospital and that L&M clinical services are already well integrated with YNHH independent of the corporate acquisition. YNHH cited, among other reasons, Medicaid cuts as a reason to merge, but were reminded of CT’s relatively generous provider rates and that CT has maintained provider rate increases even after federal funding ended, despite severe budget deficits that will result in thousands of working parents losing HUSKY this weekend.