Calls for HUSKY parents notice to include help for uninsured

Today’s CT New Junkie highlights the lack of information to 17,688 working parents scheduled to lose HUSKY coverage July 31st. Based on prior experience, it is expected that some will qualify for Medicaid in other categories, a smaller number will purchase coverage from AccessHealthCT, but many will lose coverage altogether.  Notices from the state to…

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CT Health Reform Dashboard – lots of uncertainty, hard work ahead

Summer used to come with down time, but June’s CT Health Reform Dashboard update is anything but quiet. 17,688 HUSKY parents are scheduled to lose coverage at the end of next month. Serious concerns have been raised about the notices to members that miss critical information to help them plan for their health. Based on…

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New Haven Register Forum: ICER part of solution in addressing drug effectiveness, cost

From yesterday’s New Haven Register: The news is full of recent drug companies’ breathtaking price hikes. A new study by Reuters finds that prices for four of the top 10 U.S. drugs more than doubled since 2011, and prices for the other six rose more than 50 percent. These drugs treat common problems such as arthritis, asthma…

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