Archive for May 2010
SustiNet 60 day report released
Yesterday the SustiNet Board released their report to the General Assembly on how Connecticut’s 2009 health reform law fits with recently passed national reform. The report outlines significant new resources available to support SustiNet and three steps for the state to take advantage. In all, SustiNet tracks closely with the parameters of national reform. Ellen…
Read MoreNew webinar on risk adjustment models
The success of health care payment reforms rests on the ability to fairly adjust provider rates to reflect the expected health costs of each patient. Accurate risk adjustment can reduce incentives to over treat or avoid high cost patients. The science of risk adjustment has evolved significantly. Hear from experts about the methodologies and models…
Read MorePatient-Centered Medical Home updates
There are several opportunities in the new federal health reform act for CT to embrace, and fund, patient-centered medical homes. Currently, CT has no (zero) medical homes certified by NCQA, the national accrediting body. The SustiNet patient-centered medical home committee is considering the options and how they fit with Connecticut’s unique health care environment. At…
Read MoreOnly CT and DC take early expansion option
To date only CT and the District of Columbia have submitted early option applications to expand Medicaid under the new federal health reform law. CT applied April 15th and DC submitted their application May 13th. CT plans to cover our 45,000 SAGA members under Medicaid, providing expanded coverage and eliminating the SAGA asset test, while…
Read MoreMedicaid Managed Care Council update
We ran out of time at Friday’s Council meeting, so we will devote the entire June meeting to discussing how the state plans to implement the new budget provision to self-insure the HUSKY/SAGA/Charter Oak program. Some of the decision points are whether to keep the program capitated but without financial risk (not sure how that…
Read MoreHealth care reform training session
The Universal Health Care Foundation of CT will hold Building Public Awareness: Building Public Will, a training session for community leaders and advocates to help us get the truth out about health reform, at the state and federal levels, and how to counter the myths and misinformation about health care. The session will be June…
Read MoreThe Pill turns 50, CT took a little longer
Today, Mother’s Day, marks the 50th anniversary of the birth control pill’s approval by the FDA. Today one in five American women between the ages of 15 and 44 use the pill, spending $3.5 billion in 2008. The pill’s development hinged on the discovery of the Barbasco root, a type of wild yam that Mexican…
Read MoreFewer physicians accepting visits from drug reps in the office
The Wall Street Journal blog reports on a new survey of US physicians that found the number who are “rep-accessible”, or willing to meet with drug company sales rep.s in the office, is down 18% from last year. However, still 58% of doctors take meetings with at least 70% of the reps who call and…
Read MoreSen and Mrs. Dodd to host food allergy forum
Sen. Christopher and Mrs. Jackie Clegg Dodd will host a forum on managing food allergies at home, in school, away at college and in restaurants. The forum will feature Dr. Hugh Sampson of Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Eva Bunnell, parent of a child with a food allergy, Cheryl Resha, RN from the CT Dept of…
Read MoreBudget agreement reached
The Governor and General Assembly have reportedly reached an agreement on changes to next year’s budget, beginning July 1st, to cover a $2 billion deficit. The agreement includes converting HUSKY to a self-insured ASO model saving $77 million and increases in copays and premiums for HUSKY Part B families, saving $576,000. The legislature is expected…
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