Medicaid Managed Care Council update

Friday’s Council meeting was relatively uneventful. We started with a wonderful outreach video by CT’s Healthy Start programs describing the important work they do supporting at-risk pregnant women and connecting them to the care they need to ensure healthy births. (Advocates think it would be a good idea to start every Council meeting with babies…

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Federal health reform and CT small businesses seminar

The Universal Health Care Foundation of CT is hosting a free seminar for small businesses on national health care reform Monday, April 12th 7:45 to 9:30am in Meriden. A panel of experts will describe the new federal law and CT’s SustiNet plan and how they will impact small businesses in CT including how to get…

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High risk pools in federal health reform

Questions are surfacing about the federal reform bill’s provision to create a high risk pool will be implemented. The pool is meant to provide temporary coverage for people locked out of the insurance market until the bill’s pre-existing condition ban for adults becomes effective in 2014. People who need high risk pools include those timing…

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New OLR report finds PCCM succeeds, saves money in other states

A new report by the legislative Office of Legislative Research outlines enrollment, savings and impact on hospital visits in states that have implemented Primary Care Case Management (PCCM). PCCM is a different way of running Medicaid managed care plans (HUSKY in CT) used in thirty states. PCCM does not involve HMOs, but rather rests on…

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