Webinar; CT Health Link — new CT Health Information Exchange
Next Thursday, September 28thfrom 10:00 to 11:30am the Complex Care Committee of the Medicaid Council (MAPOC) will host a webinar demonstrating a new statewide Health Information Exchange. The ability for all providers treating each patient to access the information they need to provide the best care is critical. The CT State Medical Society, with KaMMCO Health Solutions, has built a health information exchange, CT Health Link, to serve exactly this purpose for Connecticut. CT Health Link offers a suite of HIT tools to help health professionals across the state connect, analyze, engage and transform health care in our state. Join us to hear about this new tool and how it can especially benefit consumers with complex health needs.
Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number: 596 303 372
Join by phone
Call-in toll-free number: 1-(866) 578-5693 (US)
Conference Code: 785 357 2699