SutiNet bill modified

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For budget and political reasons the SustiNet bill was changed last week. The new version creates a 14 member volunteer SustiNet Health Partnership Board of Directors across stakeholder groups tasked with making recommendations to the legislature by Jan. 1, 2011. The goals of SustiNet remain the same and much of the detail remained in the bill. The Board is to create committees on health information technology, medical homes, clinical care and safety guidelines and preventive care. The bill creates an independent information clearinghouse for the public on health plan options including SustiNet. The bill no longer outlines employer or employee responsibilities and does not include automatic enrollment. The bill creates task forces to address obesity, tobacco use and health care workforce shortages. Essentially, the bill creates a public volunteer entity to continue planning for universal health care and to allow CT to respond to federal health care opportunities as they arise. We expect more changes to the bill as it moves through the process. For the bill analysis, click here.
Ellen Andrews