Survey of CT ACOs – early yet, good intentions but uncertain future

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Together with the Hartford Business Journal, the CT Health Policy Project conducted the first survey of CT ACOs finding some unexpected findings. ACOs are networks of providers across the continuum that coordinate high-quality care for people and receive a share of the savings they generate. ACOs are a foundation for efforts to reform health care systems and control costs, but they are very new. Nationally results are mixed and there is very little known about how CT’s ACOs are developing. The survey, designed to fill that information gap, found that ACO leaders in our state are motivated by important goals such as care coordination, population health and quality improvement. Increasing revenue is a lower priority. But ACO leaders are fairly tentative about their future. They need assistance from policymakers to ensure they succeed, including timely data and funding for the substantial investments required. In a troubling but understandable finding, several are considering affiliating or creating an associated insurance function. Consolidating these undermines an important balance of interests for consumers. CT does not currently regulate ACOs.

For the reports: aco_survey_brief    aco_survey_results