Report estimates public coverage not available for 56,000 CT noncitizen residents next year

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A new report by the Urban Institute estimates that 67% of Connecticut’s uninsured noncitizen residents won’t be eligible for Medicaid, CHIP, or health insurance exchange tax credits (AccessHealthCT) coverage next year, although they pay taxes. Most noncitizens with insurance coverage are covered through employment. Without expansions of eligibility, 56,000 Connecticut residents will remain uninsured next year. Connecticut’s General Assembly is now considering bills to expand coverage to more undocumented immigrants.

Source: Health Coverage of Noncitizens in the United States, 2024, 5/4/2023, Urban Institute

In 2021, Connecticut had 240,106 noncitizen residents and noncitizens were 8.5 times more likely to be uninsured than citizen state residents (28.9% vs. 3.4%). This is largely because they are often not eligible for public coverage programs such as Medicaid or health insurance exchange tax credits. It is important to note that next year, the Urban Institute estimates that 10,000 Connecticut noncitizens will be eligible for but not enrolled Medicaid or CHIP and another 5,000 will be eligible for but not enrolled in AccessHealthCT tax credits.