Q poll finds CT residents worried but support COVID public health restrictions

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Almost half of Connecticut residents (43%) are feeling stressed by dealing with the state’s stay-at-home order, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. But two thirds believe the level of restrictions to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus have been about right and most (59%) believe that the state should wait a few months or longer to reopen.

Most state residents are very or somewhat worried that they or a family member (65% and 78% respectively) will become infected and seriously ill with COVID-19. Most Connecticut residents (61%) have been infected or know someone who has. One in three of those know someone who has been hospitalized for COVID-19 and 22% know someone who has died. Three in four state residents believe there should be more testing.

Three in four Connecticut residents (74%) rate the state’s current economy as not so good or poor. Just over half (54%) expect it will remain not so good or poor a year from now. State residents are split on whether the pandemic has caused financial hardship for their household (46% yes, 54% no). Smaller numbers are concerned about paying bills (35%), having enough food for their household (26%), or paying rent or mortgage bills (25%) over the next month.

If the stay-at-home order is lifted in the next few weeks, a majority of Connecticut residents would be comfortable visiting friends (58%), going to the beach (53%), and to parks (72%). A majority would not be comfortable flying on an airplane (79%), going to a large sporting or entertainment event (83%), to bars or restaurants (72%), barber shop or hair salon (53%), or taking public transportation (81%). About half of state residents (51%) don’t think our state will be back to normal in a year.