Public comment concerns with CT’s primary care plan

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Public comment concerns with CT’s primary care plan

Today, the CT Health Policy Project submitted public comments with serious concerns about the Office of Health Strategy’s plans to overhaul primary care across the state.

The Project has worked for decades to improve access to high quality, affordable care for every Connecticut resident. That includes many years of support for and work to improve Connecticut’s primary care system, from consumers’ perspective. However, OHS’s proposed Roadmap does not further that goal and could make matters worse.

We have many concerns with OHS’s proposal.

  • OHS’s arbitrary decision to double primary care spending while limiting overall healthcare spending invites unintended consequences.
  • The Roadmap ignores and undermines current initiatives in Connecticut that are improving primary care access and quality.
  • The Roadmap pushes practices into primary care capitation, a failed payment model with serious risks to patients.
  • The process to develop the Roadmap was driven by primary care physicians and missed critical independent consumer-related input.
  • The Roadmap promotes a corporate, medical model to provide social services, undermining evidence-based, person-centered community care models that work.
  • The Roadmap could worsen Connecticut’s health disparities.

The Project, and all the independent consumer advocates, renew our offer to work with OHS to improve primary care access and quality for every Connecticut resident.

Read the public comments