Poll of CT voters finds healthcare/insurance costs threaten their standard of living, that CT doesn’t spend enough on Medicaid and healthcare

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A new poll of Connecticut voters for SEIU finds 46% cite healthcare/insurance costs as a major problem they face in maintaining their current standard of living. Behind only local property taxes, health costs are cited as a major problem by more voters than state income or sales taxes, housing costs, low wages, unemployment, personal debt, child care or transportation costs. 24% of voters find healthcare/insurance costs a minor problem and 29% say it isn’t a problem. Healthcare/insurance cost problems are worst for New Haven/Litchfield area voters (57%) and lowest in eastern Connecticut (34%). Half (49%) of Connecticut voters think the state doesn’t spend enough on Medicaid/healthcare; only 11% believe the state spends too much. This level of support is behind pensions, public transportation, higher education, and K-12 education. 41% believe that cuts to Medicaid/healthcare will have a negative impact on them or their family.