Medicaid Managed Care Council update

Today’s Medicaid Managed Care Council meeting touched on some new issues and revisited some old ones. There was a strong exchange on the Charter Oak annual $100,000 and lifetime $1 million limits. Sen. Prague talked about a patient who called her office needing treatment for cancer that exceeded the annual cap. He was eventually able…

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Medicaid Managed Care Council update

According to DSS at today’s Medicaid Managed Care Council, the number of dental providers participating in the CT Dental Partnership grew by 20.8% from December to June. There are now 924 dental providers at 541 locations across the state caring for HUSKY and SAGA consumers. DSS also reported that there were only 366 HUSKY appeals…

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Patient Centered Medical Home Briefing Today

Patient-centered medical homes have been featured in health care reform proposals at both the federal and state levels. Medical homes have enormous potential to both improve the quality of health care and reduce costs. Join us for a briefing today on what the concept is and what it could mean for Connecticut. Hear from medical…

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Medicaid Managed Care Council update

At yesterday’s Council meeting DSS announced that PCCM finally has a name – HUSKY Primary Care – and a brochure for marketing. The program will be available to more consumers and providers in Willimantic and Waterbury soon. SAGA spending is up 13.5% this year over last, however enrollment grew by 16.3% from May 2008 to…

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Governor’s latest budget proposal includes cuts to health care

Governor Rell’s latest budget proposal includes cuts to health care programs including $50 million in FY 2010 and $52m in FY 2011 (6%) cuts to HMO capitation rates in HUSKY resulting from an audit of those rates by the Office of State Comptroller ($19m and $23m net savings to the state after accounting for the…

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SustiNet bill passes the House

The SustiNet bill, HB-6600, overwhelmingly passed the House last night 107 to 35. The bill creates a volunteer SustiNet Board of Directors to design and develop concrete steps to achieve health care reform including affordable coverage options for everyone, improving the health care delivery system, addressing chronic disease and significant prevention and wellness programs and…

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eHealth consumer privacy forum begins an important discussion

The Connecticut Health Policy Project and AARP- CT hosted a forum yesterday on electronic medical records at the State Capitol in Hartford – eHealth: Why Consumers Should Care. The purpose of the forum was to provide information about electronic medical records and to get input from advocates and consumers on privacy and security issues. The…

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Forum for consumers and advocates: eHealth Privacy and Security

The CT Health Policy Project and AARP-CT are hosting a forum on electronic medical records and how to ensure patient’s privacy and security are protected. Electronic medical records and sharing them is an important part of improving the quality of care, reducing costs, and reforming our health care system. Planning is beginning at the state…

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HUSKY waiver hearing – good and bad news on PCCM

As expected, yesterday’s Medicaid waiver hearing before the Human Services and Appropriations Committees was contentious and long. DSS brought out the troops – I counted nineteen staff in the room and they flew in two actuaries from Mercer. CMS also came in from Boston. DSS began with a rosy, but incomplete, description of the program…

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Health care reform hearings

Despite the weather, the Human Services, Public Health and Insurance committees heard several health reform bills yesterday. The two that drew the most attention were HB-6582, creating the Healthcare Partnership, and HB-6600, creating the SustiNet plan. The Speaker’s Healthcare Partnership bill was heard first. This bill reflects a similar bill passed last year, pooling the…

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