CTNJ: For a better post-COVID policy process, CT needs to abolish all committees

I couldn’t agree more with my advocacy friends who called on the legislature to open public hearings to online participation. But legislative hearings are only part of the problem. Connecticut policymakers need to abolish all taskforces, boards, workgroups, design groups, consortia, advisory and steering committees, teams, councils, and similar committees. These insular groups, run with…

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Cost cap project sets limits on healthcare spending without public input, ignoring pandemic impact

In meetings of the committee setting limits on healthcare spending for all Connecticut residents, it appears the advocates’ sign on letter and detailed concerns about the Office of Health Strategy’s (OHS’s) Cost Cap project were not heard. The plan is being developed by a Technical Advisory Team, with members chosen only by OHS, including some…

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Fact Check: Do lower Medicaid provider payment rates cause higher commercial payment rates?

Download this Fact Check There’s a pervasive myth that lower Medicaid provider payment rates force providers to charge private insurers more to cover costs, but there is no evidence of that. On a simple level it makes some sense, but the truth is that providers, like most businesses, charge what they can, regardless of what…

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Advocacy Decision Tree: Is There a Law?

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How to Work With a Lobbyist

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Tips no advocate should forget

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Cost Cap project could reduce access to care, stifle efficiency and innovation, and increase disparities

Download the Summary or Full Report Healthcare costs a lot in Connecticut, especially for middle and lower income residents. Primary care is the foundation of a healthy health system. Lowering costs and supporting primary care are important goals, however the Office of Health Strategy’s (OHS) new plan to limit costs is ill-conceived and likely to…

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If You Only Have 5 Minutes

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Tips for Talking with Reporters

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Fact Sheets and Action Alerts

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