Cabinet meeting centers on SIM project

  An update on the SIM project was the main agenda item at yesterday’s Health Care Cabinet meeting. At last month’s meeting, members were asked to collect feedback on SIM proposals for payment and delivery reform to cover 80% of CT residents.  The SIM committee is planning to set payment and delivery models for the…

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Cabinet meeting update: SIM project described, exchange plans offering low rates to doctors, Charter Oak redux?

Yesterday’s Cabinet meeting focused on the state’s $2.8 million State Innovation Model (SIM) grant. The plan is to develop a grant proposal by the fall to create a multi-payer approach to design care delivery and payment reforms that touch 80% of CT residents. The project will test innovative models to lower costs and maintain or…

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Women’s basketball injuries similar to men’s

An article in this month’s issue of Connecticut Medicine finds that despite differences from the men’s game, women basketball players suffer similar injuries at similar rates at both the high school and college levels. ACL injuries are the exception – women are two to four times more likely to suffer these tears most commonly resulting…

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CT inflation adjusted RN and NP pay

Becker’s Hospital Review has calculated 2023/2024 hourly pay levels for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) by state. Adjusted by the Cost of Living Index, Connecticut ranks 16th highest for RNs but only 33rd for NPs among states. Adjusted Connecticut rates are similar to comparable Northeastern states. Without adjustment for the cost of living,…

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Study finds CT private healthcare payment rates more than double Medicare’s, close to US average

A new study by RAND analyzing provider payments rates for commercial plans finds Connecticut’s 2022 rates averaged two and half times (258%) what Medicare would’ve paid for the same services at the same hospital (Relative Price). There was little variation by overall type of services. However, individual Connecticut hospitals varied considerably in Relative Price. There…

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More Info Menu No MCOs for HUSKYWho We Are & Why We Did ThisMore EvidenceGet InvolvedContact Us Recent Blog Posts Sorry, we couldn’t find any posts. Please try a different search. View All Posts No MCOs for HUSKY Governor Lamont is reportedly considering on a plan to have private insurance company managed care plans (MCOs)…

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Book Club: Recoding America – Why Government is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better

If you’ve ever muttered under your breath about the inefficiency/waste/frustration/etc of government at all levels, you have to read Recoding America – Why Government is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better, by Jennifer Pahlka. I don’t think I’ve ever dogeared as many pages in a book. While the author explores…

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CT Medicaid primary care redesign evidence: Part 1 Connecting with community services to improve health

Download the full report with sources Connecticut Medicaid is considering reforms to primary care delivery and payment. The CT Health Policy Project is collecting evidence from other states and programs to help inform that planning. A recurring theme of supporting non-medical, community services has emerged in feedback across planning groups. That feedback reflects the evidence…

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Plans for CT opioid settlement far better than our tobacco history

Connecticut is using our $300 million settlement from opioid lawsuits far better than we did with the 1998 tobacco settlement and similarly to our surrounding states, according to a cross-state analysis of opioid settlement details from Vital Strategies. The report gives details on the uses of the funds, who decides, public reporting requirements, and a…

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Summer reading — Rough Sleepers

I thought I understood healthcare for the homeless, but I had a lot to learn. Rough Sleepers: Dr. Jim O’Connell’s Urgent Mission to Bring Healing to Homeless People describes Boston’s Healthcare for the Homeless Program by following Dr. Jim O’Connell’s career of caring for people who live, and sleep, on the streets. He ended up…

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