Nominations open for New England comparative effectiveness voting panel
The New England Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council is seeking nominations for new members. New England CEPAC is a group of clinicians, economists, and patient/consumer representatives that meets three times each year to take a deep dive into the evidence on the effectiveness and value of new drugs, devices and delivery system innovations. At the public meetings, CEPAC hears from experts, patients affected by the condition being discussed, and other stakeholders. CEPAC then votes publicly on the merits and value for the New England region of the studied treatments. CEPAC, and two similar councils in other regions, are programs of the Institute for Clinical and Economic Research, an independent nonprofit institute that produces reports on the evidence for effectiveness of new drugs and other health services. ICER’s reports are used by a growing list of public and private payers in maximizing value for every health care dollar. To ensure independence, CEPA members must meet ICER’s conflict of interest policies. Nominations can be sent to on or before December 1st at 5pm. Please send a CV and letter to interest. Both organization-sponsored and self-nominations are welcome.