NJ conference on Medicaid ACOs – deep commitment to applying lessons learned
A CT contingent ventured to NJ last week for their 4thAnnual MedicaidPayment Reform Summit. The conference was sponsored by the QI Collaborativewhich is working with the state and private foundations to support accountable care in NJ’s Medicaid program. We heard from Jeff Brenner of the Camden Coalition about their impressive results in serving high-need, high-cost consumers through intensive and culturally appropriate outreach, robust provider collaboration, and strong links to social services. We heard about other effective high-cost, high-need programs from Baltimore, Boston, and New York. We heard from three ACOs that were certified for NJ’s Medicaid program and one that wasn’t but is still working toward accountable care. We heard from Jurgen Unutzer from the Univ. of Washington about what works, and what doesn’t, to effectively integrate behavioral health into primary care. Click here for slides. A panel talked about technology innovations that can support effective payment and delivery reforms. Fascinating information from people really doing the work. NJ is well ahead of CT in designing thoughtful Medicaid reforms. We learned a lot.