New England comparative effectiveness report on controversies in diabetes management options

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A new analysis comparing treatments for Type 2 Diabetes found significant opportunities to expand use of high value options– those that are both clinically effective and cost effective. NPH insulin (intermediate-acting human insulin) is equally effective as newer insulin analogs at lowering blood glucose levels, but at one-third the cost.  The prevalence and costs of diabetes are rising, costing $245 billion in 2012 and expected to reach $500 billion by 2025. The report results from an exhaustive review of the evidence by economic and clinical experts at ICER which informed voting by CEPAC, a committee of New England consumers and providers, on which treatments are worth the cost. The report includes estimates of how much could be saved across New England by expanding high value options. Policymaker and consumer action guides distilled from the report will be available next month.