National survey of healthcare executives finds population-based/capitated payment models are rare and aren’t growing

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The latest survey of 500 US healthcare executives by the Numeroff & Associates finds that only 10% of revenue is at financial risk and that rate has not changed in the last three years. In previous surveys executives predicted that they would have a much larger share of revenue at financial risk by now. Just one in four executives feels that their company is prepared to take on financial risk based on value. 70% track care path utilization of physicians through EMRs and 62% provide physicians with comparative cost/quality data. But only 39% have a process to identify physician outliers and 37% link physician compensation to cost/quality management. The biggest challenge to population-based/capitated payments is the threat of financial losses, but that’s the whole point of the payment model.

In very good news, about half of respondents’ organizations help patients access healthy food and  transportation; almost 30% provide assistance with housing or community development, usually with a community partner organization