Medicaid quality up, costs stable since switch to ASO

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We got lots of good news at today’s Medicaid Council meeting. New financial reports show that since October of 2013 HUSKY enrollment has grown 20% but spending has grown only 13.6%. Per person spending on HUSKY Part D, which includes the former SAGA members and the newly eligible childless adults from the ACA, has actually decreased slightly. We expected pent-up demand for services to increase that number for a short time; this may indicate that it is a healthier population that has enrolled. Another report, a précis, summarizes the considerable innovations in the program since the shift from capitated managed care plans to an ASO model, including exciting new data. The program now benefits from predictive modeling and tracking of health measures that can help providers deliver the right care to the right person at the right time. We also heard about improvement in theConnectCT enrollment system – average wait time on the phone to talk with a benefit center is down from 78 minutes in August to 66 minutes last month. DSS talked about plans to bring that down further. We also heard about the behavioral health program’s efforts to improve access to care.