Governor’s mitigation plan slashes health programs; 13 better alternatives offered

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Yesterday the Governor released her plan to address the $470 million deficit for this fiscal year. This is on top of the cuts made in the budget that passed into law a few months ago. Her proposal includes cuts to the diaper bank, autism pilot, drugs in public coverage programs, new premiums and increases in HUSKY, higher copays in HUSKY and Medicaid, eliminate vision and transportation in SAGA, delay HIV/AIDS waiver, cut lead poisoning programs, genetic disease programs, school based health centers, eliminate adult dental care in Medicaid and SAGA, cut Healthy Start, cuts to community health centers, hospitals and nursing homes. Her proposal also empties all the money out of several funds including stem cell research and the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund.
Sadly, there are alternatives that could save the state money as well as improve health care. We have offered thirteen of them.
Ellen Andrews