Early insurance exchange enrollment older and half to Medicaid

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Between the beginning of the month and Tuesday 3,847 people had enrolled in coverage through Access Health CT, our state’s health insurance exchange, according to a presentation to the exchange Board this morning. 1,857 (48%) are eligible for Medicaid, 1,125 (29%) for subsidized insurance, 772 (20%) for insurance without a subsidy, and 93 (2%) for HUSKY Part B. Enrollees into both Medicaid and insurance plans are more likely to be older – ages 55 to 64. This isn’t unexpected for early applicants who may have higher health needs and will likely even out as enrollment picks up. Most enrolling in insurance are choosing Anthem (67%), 31% are choosing ConnectiCare, and only 2% choosing the new HealthyCT plan. Half are choosing silver level plans. Only 11 small businesses covering 47 workers had enrolled by Tuesday.