CTNJ Public Policy Forum: Would a Public Option Help Connecticut?

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The second CT News Junkie Public Policy Forum will be next Thursday, Feb. 21st at 10 am in Capitol Room 310. Connecticut healthcare insurance premiums are expensive, pricing out too many individuals and businesses. This session, lawmakers are considering whether to create a public insurance option, accountable to government, to bring down costs. Important questions include who to cover, what to cover, how much to pay providers, how to fund it, and, most important, will it help make insurance affordable? Should it be built on Medicaid, the state employee plan, or should we create something different? What would happen to the current market, to employer-sponsored insurance, to AccessHealthCT, and to Medicaid?

Hear from Rep. Sean Scanlon, Sen. Kevin Kelly, Ellen Andrews of the CT Health Policy Project and Vickie Nardello, former State Rep. and dental hygienist. CTNJ’s Christine Stewart will moderate the panel. For more info and to register, click here.