CT ranks best in the nation for the lowest prevalence of mental illness, but worse in access to care

Overall, Connecticut ranks second in the nation in mental health wellbeing, behind only Massachusetts, according to Mental Health America’s 2024 rankings. We benefit from having the lowest prevalence of mental illness in the nation. But still one in nine (11%) Connecticut youth and 4% of adults have serious thoughts of suicide.
Connecticut has lots of room for improvement.
- 599,000 state residents have a mental illness, but 75,146 adults with over 14 mentally unhealthy days a month could not see a doctor due to cost
- 523,000 adults have a substance use disorder, but almost four out of five who needed treatment didn’t get it
- 54,000 youth have had at least one major depressive episode in the last year
- 35,000 adults and 4,000 youth with mental illness have private insurance that doesn’t cover mental or emotional problems
- There is just one mental health provider per 220 Connecticut residents – Massachusetts has one for every 140
To expand mental health care provider numbers, the authors recommend expanding the use of peer support specialists and ensuring that they make a living wage.