CT Insurance Exchange standard plan proposal too expensive for consumers

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The draft standard plan proposal for the CT Health Insurance Exchange includes copays of $40 to $45 for a physician visit (CT 2011 average $23.79), $150 ER copays, and deductibles up to $3,000 for individuals and $6,000 for families (CT 2011 average $1,331 and $2,500 respectively). Better, more affordable plans are currently available in CT on eHealthInsurance.com. It is important to note that the Exchange will be marketing their plans to CT’s uninsured, who couldn’t afford the more reasonable options available now. In what is becoming standard process for the Exchange, the proposal was developed by Exchange staff with industry insiders in non-public meetings. The draft was open for public comment until today but it was never released to the public or posted on a public website. Some Exchange Board members didn’t know anything about the process. Click here for our comments.