CT housing and economic development training institute now accepting applications

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Housing and health are intimately linked. Housing that is unstable, unsafe, poor quality, and a financial burden all affects the health of residents and communities. As these challenges grow, Connecticut’s housing and economic development workforce is predominantly male, white, and growing older. Professionals in the field are retiring at a faster rate than new entries to the work.

Housing and community development professionals work for public housing authorities, public service agencies, non-profits, municipalities, private developers, innovation programs, construction companies, brownfield remediation, senior programs, and many other places. People come to the field from diverse backgrounds including real estate, social work, business, and marketing. They are leaders in their communities and the work is often well-paid.

To build a stronger and more diverse workforce in our state, the CT Department of Housing, the CT Housing Finance Authority, and Borough 496 have created the Housing and Community Development Leadership Institute. Through training, applied learning and service placements, fellows will learn hard and soft skills that match their needs, and connect with experienced professionals in the field. The Institute is especially interested in training more women and people of color.

Learn more about the Institute on their Facebook page or by contacting Dale Kroop at  203-668-7084 or communityresources@comcast.net. Applications are open until January 15th. Training starts March 15th.