SIM update

Across various meetings this month we’ve received a few updates on CT’s SIM planning. CT is competing with 17 other states for 12 test grants. SIM staff has acknowledged receipt of the independent advocates’ letter to CMMI and an FOI regarding Consumer Advisory Board voting and SIM budget development, but we’ve had no response to…

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Heated debate – healthcare vs. health care

Have you ever wondered if health care should be one word or two? Apparently it is currently two words, according to the Associated Press, but the debate is heating up. Each side has strong support and even stronger feelings about the subject. I always thought that the CT Health Policy Project used two words, but…

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Nominations open for New England comparative effectiveness voting panel

The New England Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council is seeking nominations for new members. New England CEPAC is a group of clinicians, economists, and patient/consumer representatives that meets three times each year to take a deep dive into the evidence on the effectiveness and value of new drugs, devices and delivery system innovations. At the…

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Webinar; CT Health Link — new CT Health Information Exchange

Next Thursday, September 28thfrom 10:00 to 11:30am the Complex Care Committee of the Medicaid Council (MAPOC) will host a webinar demonstrating a new statewide Health Information Exchange. The ability for all providers treating each patient to access the information they need to provide the best care is critical. The CT State Medical Society, with KaMMCO…

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ICER seeks comment on Value Framework Changes for Ultra-Rare Condition Treatments

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review(ICER) has proposed adaptations to its value framework for very rare conditions. ICER is a leader in evidence-based analysis of the effectiveness of drugs and other medical treatments. ICER’s analyses, including benchmark value-based prices for new drugs, are used by a growing list of payers in developing fair prices.…

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ACA repeal, Medicaid, personalized medicine, and bioscience highlight at ERC Annual Meeting in Connecticut next month

Join CSG-ERC for our 2017 Annual Meeting and Policy Forum August 13 to 16 in Uncasville, CT. Health programming includes a lunch talk on the promise of genomics, the potential of bioscience to improve health and grow state economies, and the potential state impact of federal proposals to replace the Affordable Care Act, significantly change…

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Blumenthal holding second emergency field hearing on ACA repeal proposals

Senator Blumenthalhas scheduled an emergency field hearing in New Haven Friday to hear the public’s thoughts on federal proposals to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Monday’s hearing in Hartford drew over 200 people with standing room only who wanted to share their concerns. Senate leaders will not allow any official public hearings or…

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Alert: CMS seeking public comment on new informed consent payment proposal

Some good news — th. Click here  for more info, links to the proposed rule and the measure specifics, a customizable template for comments, and directions on how to submit comments. There is an exciting new opportunity to support patient-centered care and make a meaningful impact on the quality of care in hospitals across the…

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Senators Sanders and Cruz debate the ACA tonight

We don’t usually highlight federal actions on this blog, but this event promises to be very interesting. Tonight at 9pm CNN is hosting a debate between Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) and Sen. Ted Cruz (TX) on the Future of Obamacare. Senator Sanders has been an outspoken critic of President Trump’s plans to repeal the Affordable…

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ICER revises value assessment methodology, public comments open

The non-profit Institute for Clinical and Economic Review has posted for comment their updated Value Assessment Framework. ICER is an independent research institute that analyzes evidence on the effectiveness and value of drugs and other treatments, including evidence-based calculations of prices for new drugs that accurately reflect their value in long-term patient outcomes and highlighting…

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