208,301 in CT enrolled in health care under ACA

 AccessHealthCT has worked through the queue of applications pending when enrollment into the insurance exchange closed March 31st. Between Jan 1stand March 31st, 208,301 state residents were enrolled in coverage. Most qualified for Medicaid – 129,588 – approximately the number of new eligibles originally estimated for the state. (For the nitpickers out there – it…

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“free” preventive care that isn’t free

News reports are highlighting the nuances of implementing the ACA’s provision eliminating consumer cost sharing for preventive care. An article in the Washington Post includes an example of a practices adding a facility fee of $1,935 for a CT woman’s colonoscopy that should have been free. According to a WSJ article ‘“Patients are scheduling ‘physicals’…

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Health Care Cabinet meeting — SIM, exchange updates

Yesterday’s Cabinet meeting was lively — not sure it was productive. The insurance exchange reported on a flurry of last minute activity that significantly boosted enrollment. Final numbers will be available in a few weeks when it becomes clear how many people follow through and pay premiums, and the backlog of people in the queue…

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Harvard Pilgrim earns license to sell insurance in CT

Yesterday Harvard Pilgrim announced that they received approval from CT’s insurance department to sell health insurance in our state, but specific plans and prices are still under review. Harvard Pilgrim, a nonprofit insurer, covers over a million lives in MA, NH and ME with plans to expand to the rest of New England. The company…

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CTNJ Op-Ed: How is CT’s exchange really doing?

CT News Junkie is a CT treasure that policymakers, advocates and other stakeholders rely on for the latest information on the topics we need to track. CTNJ gives you the unvarnished news about what’s happening, and why. CTNJ Op-Eds offer an important platform for thoughtful commenters to give context to the news and offer their…

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Health Insurance exchange: “customer complaints are a blessing”

In yesterday’s Health Care Cabinet meeting’s insurance exchange report we learned that staff there welcome complaints as windows into their system’s flaws. They understand that if they hear one complaint, it usually means there are 50 other consumers with the same problem who didn’t call. They see these as opportunities to fix problems and learn.…

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Exchange affordability measure gutted in committee

In yesterday’s Insurance Committee meeting, SB-11was amended to delay CT’s insurance exchange negotiating premiums with insurers and changed “shall” to “may”, essentially making the legislation irrelevant. The exchange has refused to negotiate with insurers in the past, arguing among other things that it was too early to worry about high premiums. Since last year, exchanges…

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Active purchasing bill public hearing

There was an active exchange in today’s public hearing on SB-11, a bill that would direct CT’s health insurance exchange to negotiate premiums with insurers on behalf of consumers. Advocates, providers and a legislator testified in favor that passage of SB-11 would make coverage more affordable for consumers and small businesses, noting that all our…

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Exchange active purchasing bill has a public hearing

The legislature’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee has raised SB-11, An Act Concerning the Duties of the CT Health Insurance Exchange, and will hold a public hearing on the bill next Tuesday. SB-11 requires the CT Health Insurance Exchange to active purchase health coverage for the estimated one in ten state residents who will purchase…

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New exchange numbers – good news but lots of questions

CT’s health insurance exchange has enrolled 121,983 people into coverage, exceeding next month’s goal. In other good news, CT is beginning to catch up to other states in Medicaid enrollment – 71,318 (58%) of those enrollments were into Medicaid, 22,335 (31%) of those would have qualified for Medicaid without the ACA. The exchange estimates that…

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