Is Connecticut ready for COVID-19?

Almost half (45%) of Connecticut adults have one or more clinical risks that could complicate COVID-19 infections, very close to the US average of 44%, according to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund. The report compares states across clinical risk factors of adults, state health system capacity, insurance coverage and other cost barriers to…

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CTNJ: The recession is here, and healthcare is in the center of it

After the longest economic recovery in US history, we’ve been expecting a recession for a long time. We knew when it came, Connecticut healthcare would be hit hard. But no one expected this. Connecticut didn’t fare well in the last recession and we took longer than other states to build back the jobs we lost.…

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More HIE concerns from advocates and others

Public comment to the Office of Health Strategy about the state’s planned Health Information Exchange raised concerns, including those regarding privacy and selling/monetizing the data shared in the advocates letter. Connecticut’s three legal services agencies sent a letter with similar concerns on Friday. Advocates’ concerns were raised by members at last week’s online Health IT…

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ACA turns ten in troubled times

Ten years ago today, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act. While the nation is now reeling from a terrible pandemic, imagine if 17 million more Americans didn’t have healthcare coverage, insurers could still drop people with pre-existing conditions, and charge women and cancer survivors more. While it was important, the ACA was never meant…

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22 advocates send letter to OHS opposing sale of personal medical records

Twenty-two independent advocates and providers signed a letter today to the Office of Health Strategy raising concerns about the state’s plans to develop a Health Information Exchange. The writers urge the state not to sell/monetize personal medical records and to adopt a strong consent policy giving consumers control over our own sensitive medical records. Advocates…

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New state health data updates – over one in six CT residents have high medical cost burden

According to State Health Compare’s updated data, 18.1% of Connecticut residents had out-of-pocket health costs that were more than 10% of their family income in 2018. That is up from 17.8% the year before while the burden on the rest of the US went down. While Connecticut’s rate is bad, it’s better than the US…

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CT Free Dental Clinic postponed

Updated 3/9/2020 This year’s CT Mission of Mercy Free Dental Clinic, originally scheduled for Saturday March 20 and Sunday March 21st in Danbury has been postponed due to concerns surrounding the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak. Click here for more information on when it will be rescheduled.

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Public comment to OHS opposing selling/monetizing personal medical records

Download the comments PUBLIC COMMENT to the Connecticut Office of Health Strategy, March 4, 2020 Re: Public comment on Draft Consent Design Guiding Principles Ellen Andrews, PhD, Board Chair Thank you for this opportunity to provide comment on the Office of Health Strategy’s (OHS) proposed guiding principles on the Final Report and Recommendations of the…

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Analysis: Right Thing But Wrong Way: State Shouldn’t Sell Our Medical Data To Insurers And ACOs

After many tries, Connecticut is getting a state-sponsored Health Information Exchange (HIE). At their best, HIEs allow providers who are treating the same person to share information, reduce duplicated tests, and keep us safer. I’ve been a strong supporter of a Connecticut HIE that allows providers treating us to see our records. But not this…

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CTNJ – Op-Ed: The Individual Mandate Was Never Necessary, But Connecticut Knew That

Arguably the most contentious part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the individual mandate, requiring every American to secure healthcare coverage, appears to have made little difference since Congress removed the penalty last year. Connecticut considered passing a state-level individual mandate both before the ACA and more recently as the ACA has been in peril.…

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