Aetna exchange premiums lower than competitors; all higher than CA rates

Wednesday, Aetna submitted proposed rates for Access Health CT, the state health insurance exchange. Averaging $364 per month for individual coverage. By tier premiums average $177 for Catastrophic coverage, $356 for Bronze, $487 for Silver and $477 for Gold. (Yeah, I don’t get that either). Aetna follows HealthyCT and ConnectiCare proposals averaging $427 and $397 per member per month for all tiers. In comparison, the most affordable Silver option in California’s exchange is $276 pmpm, as much as 29%  lower than current offerings. California’s exchange negotiated premiums with insurers. Connecticut policymakers still have options to lower premiums in our exchange. SB-596, directing the exchange tonegotiate premiums with insurers, is awaiting a vote in the House.