HUSKY parents cut – costs outlined, rally planned

The Governor’s budget proposed cutting 37,500 working parents from Medicaid in 2014. Families affected have incomes between 133 and 185% of the federal poverty level — $25,975 to $36,131 for a family of three this year. The administration argues that those parents will be able to purchase federally subsidized coverage in the new insurance exchange. A new analysis from the CT Health Foundation finds that out-of-pocket costs for those families will average $1,800/year and estimates that 7,500 to 11,000 working parents will not be able to afford coverage and will become uninsured. Total costs for HUSKY parents’ coverage will rise by one third – from $4,800 in HUSKY to $6,400 in the exchange. The Caring Families Coalition is planning a rally to protest the cuts Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 10:00-11:30 am at the State Capitol-North Steps. For more information, call 860-524-0502 ext. 12.