US News: CT is 3rd best in US for healthcare

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Based on surveys of state residents on their priorities for state government and health data, Connecticut is third best among states for healthcare, our highest ranking among categories. Healthcare was equally weighted between access (#3 among states), quality (#21), and public health (#6). The subtopics for each health category are:

AccessQualityPublic health
Adults with dental visitMedicare quality ratingsSmoking rate
Adults with wellness visitHospital quality ratingsObesity rate
Uninsured populationNursing home quality ratingsSuicide rate
Children with dental visitMedicare preventable hospital admissionsMortality rate
Children with wellness visit Infant mortality rate
Adults deterred from care due to cost Poor mental health

We are 20th among states across categories including education (#8), economy (#17), infrastructure (#28), opportunity (#47), fiscal stability (#49), natural environment (#21), and crime and corrections (#6). We are 49th in how residents judge our state’s fiscal stability, above only Illinois, and 47th in opportunity, behind California, New York, and Texas.

The rankings are based on three annual surveys of residents in every state about what their state’s priorities should be, how satisfied they were with state government services, and if they are adequately funded. They are also based on government data sources and US News Rankings.