25 Advocacy organizations urge legislative leaders to drop OHS Primary Care Roadmap

On Tuesday, twenty-five independent advocacy organizations, including the CT Health Policy Project, sent a letter to Connecticut legislative leaders voicing concerns with the Office of Health Strategy’s (OHS’s) controversial “Roadmap for Strengthening and Sustaining Primary Care”.
Advocates are concerned that the Roadmap diverts $3.9 billion/year when fully implemented in 2025 away from other critical healthcare services, such as behavioral health and specialty care.
The Roadmap was developed by a Steering Committee dominated by insurers and large health systems and without meaningful public input or transparency.
The Roadmap also proposed a radical change in primary care payment that has failed to save money or improve quality in other states and programs and rewards the denial of primary care to patients.
In contrast to usual procedure, OHS has refused to release public comments on the Roadmap, including over a hundred negative responses, until the Roadmap document is finalized and it is too late.
The signers ask legislative leaders to urge the executive branch to drop the Roadmap and schedule a public hearing to find better, safer ways to support primary care that do not sacrifice other critical care.