ICER seeking members for New England evidence review group

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The Institute for Economic and Clinical Review (ICER) is seeking nominations for new members to the New England Comparative Effectiveness Public Advisory Council (New England CEPAC). The Council includes leading clinicians, patient and consumer advocates, methodologists, and health economists. The group holds public meetings three to four times per year to discuss evidence reports on emerging treatments, including drugs, devices, and delivery system innovations, to get input from stakeholders, and vote on the strength of the evidence.  

ICER is an independent nonprofit organization that evaluates the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of emerging healthcare treatments. ICER’s reports combine real-world, patient input with the latest clinical and scientific knowledge to calculate evidence-based fair prices for medications and other treatments that reflect the potential to improve patient outcomes for the long term. ICER’s reports, including those from New England CEPAC reports, are used by most major US healthcare payers including Medicare and Medicaid plans, the Veteran’s Administration, and most private payers. ICER is the national leader as a watchdog in controlling drug costs.

Prospective New England CEPAC members should understand evaluation of medical evidence, this can include consumer and patient engagement. You don’t need to have specific clinical expertise. In the last year, CEPACs have evaluated therapies for migraine, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia A, and ulcerative colitis. To protect the integrity of the evaluations, members must meet conflict of interest requirements. All members are eligible for travel reimbursement to meetings and honoraria for attending meetings. Organizational and self-nominations are welcome.

Nominations must be submitted by January 19th by 5pm. Click here for more information and to submit a nomination.