Letter urges state to go farther to protect Connecticut’s health and affordability

Photo by Flavio Amiel on Unsplash

Building on previous letters from legal services, the CT Health Policy Project sent a letter today thanking the state for important protections adopted to protect Connecticut’s health during the pandemic. We also urged the state to adopt new policies and expand some already adopted.

  • Require insurers to automatically continue providing commercial insurance during the crisis regardless of premium payments and permanently forgive premium lapses for people who have lost their jobs and/or lost income
  • Streamline the Medicaid application process.
  • Waive premiums for HUSKY B families.
  • Ensure state residents are aware of Medicaid’s three-month retroactive coverage policy.
  • Reimburse Medicaid providers who care for the uninsured at the Medicaid rate, regardless of Medicaid eligibility or immigration status
  • Further extend the Special Enrollment Period at Access Health CT
  • Direct the Insurance Department to make every effort to keep 2021 premiums affordable with suggestions