CT Medicare members have saved over $285 million on prescription drugs under the ACA; almost half a million received free preventive care last year
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) thousands of elderly and disabled Medicare beneficiaries in CT have saved millions of dollars on prescription drugs and free preventive care, according to new numbers from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The ACA includes discounts for Medicare Part D beneficiaries on their prescription drugs that increase every year until 2020 when the Part D “donut hole” in coverage will close completely. Last year 66,843 CT residents covered by Medicare Part D saved more than $78 million on prescription costs, with discounts averaging $1,174 each. The ACA also eliminated copays and deductibles for Medicare preventive care such as annual wellness visits and many cancer screenings, improving access and preventing more serious and costly health problems. Last year 470,712 state residents paid nothing for preventive care within Medicare including 147,135 wellness visits.