Medicaid creating a committee to assess access to care

Prompted by new federal regulations, at today’s Medicaid Council meeting DSS announced the creation of a Medicaid Medical Care Advisory Committee that will track quality and access to care in the program. The committee will advise on an Access Monitoring Plan, due out July 1st, to ensure that Medicaid members’ access to care is similar to the general population’s. The plan will consider provider rates but also enrollee needs, availability of providers, and utilization trends. The state must compare Medicaid rates to Medicare and private payers, and must solicit public, member and provider input to the plan. DSS intends the committee membership to focus on direct consumers and providers participating in the program. All meetings, data, and analyses will be public. They will soon be accepting applications for the committee.

In response to requests at last month’s meeting, DSS and AccessHealthCT shared their plans to help 17,688 parents transition off HUSKY this summer. While they plan extensive outreach to ensure people who are eligible stay on HUSKY and help those who can afford AccessHealthCT coverage to buy it – there are no plans to help the large number who will likely become uninsured to protect their health. If parents cut off last year are any indication, over 7,000 working parents will lose coverage. The last time HUSKY parents were cut off, it fell to advocates and community groups to inform consumers.