CT remains costly for Long Term Services and Supports while demand grows

A new survey by Genworth Financial finds that costs for Long Term Services and Support in Connecticut are among the highest in the nation, and rising. At $146,000 for a semi-private room and $158,775 for a private room, median annual costs of nursing home care were more expensive in Connecticut last year than any other state but Alaska. Within Connecticut costs for services can vary substantially. The median annual cost for care in an assisted living facility last year varied between $75,240 in Bridgeport and $58,680 in New Haven. Genworth’s website allows searches for LTSS costs across home, community and facility settings by state or city as well as a very sobering calculator that estimates the future costs of care for your local area.
2015 median average annual cost
home health aide
Adult Day Care
Assisted Living Facility
Nursing Home (semi private room)
Nursing Home (private room)