New Haven Register Forum: ICER part of solution in addressing drug effectiveness, cost

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From yesterday’s New Haven Register:
The news is full of recent drug companies’ breathtaking price hikes. A new study by Reuters finds that prices for four of the top 10 U.S. drugs more than doubled since 2011, and prices for the other six rose more than 50 percent. These drugs treat common problems such as arthritis, asthma and high cholesterol levels affecting millions of Americans. Some new “blockbuster” drugs hold great promise to cure important health problems. But some, upon more study, are not much better than the older, cheaper drugs they are seeking to replace. . . . One very promising piece of the solution is gaining both attention and controversy. New research compares treatments, new and old, to find which are clinically effective and, only then, considers what they are worth, based on the benefit. This growing area of research gives patients and doctors the best evidence about what works and what it’s worth. These new efforts are helping to control costs while improving health outcomes. As a consumer advocate for over two decades, I am proud to sit on the Advisory Board of one of the prominent nonprofit organizations doing this research — the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER).Read more