CT Health Reform Dashboard – lots of uncertainty, hard work ahead

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Summer used to come with down time, but June’s CT Health Reform Dashboard update is anything but quiet. 17,688 HUSKY parents are scheduled to lose coverage at the end of next month. Serious concerns have been raised about the notices to members that miss critical information to help them plan for their health. Based on  those who lost coverage last year, over 6,500 working parents are expected to become uninsured this summer. Unbalanced notices are also an ongoing issue in Medicaid’s plans to move members into financial risk payment models. Advocates are urging changes to draft notices that include balance the potential benefits with  the risks of this very new model. The Health Care Cabinet has completed its survey of other states’ reforms. Now comes the hard part – making recommendations for Connecticut. The Governor’s CON Taskforce is also beginning their work making recommendations to ensure access and affordability in a competitive health care market. New reports confirm again that costs of coverage on AccessHealthCT, CT’s insurance exchange, are among the highest in the US, but the exchange has indicated interest in options to address the problem.