Charter Oak update

HB-5617 – the “Charter Oak fix bill – passed the Human Services Committee yesterday with substitute language along party lines. The bill that passed includes mental health parity for the program, eliminates the requirement that enrollees be uninsured for six months to be eligible, reports on services delivered and the costs of care, Charter Oak consumers will have access to outside utilization review, and independent actuarial evaluations of the bids to ensure that the program is sustainable. It does not include the original bill’s provisions to delay implementation of the program, coverage for dental and vision services, medical loss ratio standards, and reductions in consumer cost sharing.

Also, Anthem Blue Care Family Plan has notified the state in a letter that they will not be bidding on the current HUSKY/Charter Oak RRP. Their reasons are objections to Freedom of Information requirements and concerns about inadequate rates. This position is consistent with statements from Anthem over the last two years. Anthem is very interested, however, in continuing to participate in HUSKY with the current ASO, non-capitated arrangement indefinitely.
Ellen Andrews